School for University Ministries and missions EMUM
For the first time in Brazil we will have the only school in the University of the Nations that deals with university ministries, their implementation on campus and their development with university students. This school will bring basic concepts so that you can walk towards university students and professions in order to redeem this sphere for the Kingdom of God.
We know that it takes time to exercise the ministry, which is why we are starting a new model of the School of University Ministries in the world, it will be carried out for the first time in this way, in Brazil:
The school will be divided into 2 modules, the first was held in 2018 at YWAM 360 in Brasilia for ONLY 1 and a half months, the second module will be held at YWAM Floripa also for a month and a half. With these two modules we want to merge Theory and Practice more broadly, encouraging you to apply all the content in the implantation or continuation of the university ministry in your base or city.
Second Module Classes
History of God and Contextualization of the First Module
The challenges of divine knowledge and strategy.
Planning of ministerial projects
Design by destination
Transcultural Communication
You who already work with university ministries or want to start a ministry like that, inside or outside YWAM, are our guest for this unique moment of a school focused on working with university students in the context of missions.
For more information visit:

The school starts on the 5th of August and runs until the 14th of September 2019 and places are limited due to space and also group dynamics. So don't wait until the last minute and register now.