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  Protagonist DTS with focus on Influence areas

The Discipleship Training School - DTS - is, at the same time, a community of disciples of Jesus who get together to know more about God, willing to know and obey his direction, and a training program offered by the University of the Nations .

Here we work on a methodology aimed at protagonism, which aims to awaken and promote this protagonism in the Christian, connecting his faith, identity and dreams in the transformation of society.

Imagine a course where you learn weekly about an Area of ​​Influence of the Society and co-create over the revelations that God gives.


Seeking to be intentional in the training of individuals positioned for this time in history and to provide students with a life-changing experience, the entire program is supported by our values ​​of: initiative, interdependence, responsibility and achievement.


The course works in a context of integral learning in the community. Our missionary base is on the island of Florianópolis in the Córrego Grande neighborhood, located in a region close to Horto Florestal, UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), in addition to being inserted in an urban context close to the center, shopping malls, shops, supermarkets, banks, among others.

Our classes and activities are aimed at encouraging students to develop their gifts, talents and skills and discover their vocation in God, focusing on learning, development and performance in the areas of society.


1. Classes with field experienced teachers

2. Devotional time, group worship and intercession

3. Studies, research, debates, workshops

4. Individual and small groups follow-up

5. Weekly processing and feedback

6. Development of vocation and skills

7. Teamwork and project development

8. Application in micro-scenarios and outreach travel



List of Lessons:

Devotional Time

Intercession and Worship as a way of life

Hearing the voice of God

Character and Nature of God

Young protagonism

Biblical Worldview

Fourth Wave of Missions

God's Kingdom

Society Spheres

The Bible (God's story)

Conflict of Generations


Human Identity & Sexuality and

God's purpose for man

Spiritual battle

Sin and the Cross of Christ

Brokenness and clean conscience

Forgiveness and Restitution

Fear of the Lord


Lordship of Christ

Fatherhood of God

Divine plumb and spiritual inheritance


Strategic Missions

Vocation and Calling

And much more...

Teachers: *

Elisângela Antunes - Coordinator of DTS Protagonist

Fabiano Antunes - Director of YWAM Floripa, lecturer and student of Social Sciences.

Ireu Barros - Director of the School of Biblical Studies in YWAM Curitiba.
Claúdia Gonçalves - Missionary and coordinator of the Casa da Esperança Itapeva / SP
Silvio Gonçalves - Psychologist and missionary of the Casa da Esperança Itapeva / SP
Daniel Alencar - Minister of Praise and Leader of the Ministry Abba Pai - Fhop.
Gilson Batista - President of the Silóe Project. Ig's missionary. Independent Presbyterian.

Ariadna de Oliveira - Project coordinator in Haiti, speaker, missionary and photographer.

Luíz Araújo - Coordinator of the Casa do Pai Ministry, lecturer and technologist in counseling.

Paulo Ricardo - Pastor and Intercession Coordinator.

* Variations may occur.

April 15 to September 02, 2023

12 theoretical weeks in Florianópolis

1 week of Mini-outreach *

07 weeks of national outreach time for Camp of Transformation and International for Kenya, Africa. 
1 week of debriefing after the outreach period.


* The Mini-outreach can also happen only on a weekend in a city close to Florianópolis and the student is responsible for the travel expenses.


Registration and payment methods:


To sign up, access the forms below and fill them up. The forms identified as "Participant" must be completed by the person who wishes to register. The others must be filled in by the identified persons (friend or trusted person, parents or guardians, leader or pastor, doctor or health professional, if you do any health monitoring). After filling up and sending all forms, contact the course coordinator, Elisângela Antunes (+55 48 996682147) so that the process is streamlined. Wait for our contact to send the acceptance letter for the school. Only after receiving the acceptance letter, will you be free to pay the registration fee.

Registration: R$ 650.00

2 Payment options:

I) 3 x R$ 1,700.00 - in installments in cash or bank deposit (in the 3 theoretical months)

II) R$ 4,950.00 - cash payment

An important note:

If you understand that the Holy Spirit is guiding you to take this time and do the DTS, do not be afraid of the values. Believe, trust and depend on your heavenly father. He will provide everything! So obey his direction!

Click below and have access to material that will help you raise finances for your DTS:

Outreach time: São Paulo, Paraná and Africa

The cost of travel, food and accommodation will be defined according to the location and is the responsibility of the student.

The outreach estimated value is, at least, R$ 2,000.00.
More information will be given during the school.

Note: It is necessary to have a passport valid for at least 1 year and get the yellow fever vaccine. If the outreach is international.


Whatsapp: +5548996682147 (Elisângela)


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Nosso início com o uniskript

Durante uma viagem missionária no sertão da Bahia, nossa equipe de missionários de JOCUM Floripa conheceu o "seu José",  um dos principais construtores da região e obreiro em sua igreja local.

Ele passava todos os momentos de leitura do culto abraçado com sua Bíblia, pois tinha ouvido de Deus que deveria amar a Palavra, mas ele não sabia ler, e abraçar sua Bíblia foi a forma que encontrou de obedecer ao que Deus tinha falado.

Essa cena nos marcou profundamente e gerou em nós o desejo de fazer algo para mudar essa realidade, não só a do "seu José", mas a de milhões de pessoas no Nordeste brasileiro que se encontram na mesma situação de analfabetismo.

Em 2022, retornamos ao sertão levando o Método do Espelhinho, um método de alfabetização infantil baseado no sistema Uniskript, e aceitamos o desafio de aplicar esse método pela primeira vez no Brasil com adultos.

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Testemunhamos o agir poderoso de Deus através dessa ferramenta, pessoas tendo acesso à verdade, podendo ler a Bíblia sozinhas, dentre elas o "seu José", que em apenas 5 dias começou a ler as primeiras palavras, e em 10 dias já estava alfabetizado.

Ao nos depararmos com o potencial de vidas que poderiam ser alcançadas através desse método, ouvimos Deus nos convidando a ir mais além, não parar no "seu José", mas transformar o Método do Espelhinho em algo próprio para adultos, levando justiça e dignidade para aquele povo através do acesso à leitura.

Durante o ano de 2023, trabalhamos na adaptação desse método e, em janeiro de 2024, voltamos ao sertão, com aulas em 3 povoados diferentes, alcançando mais pessoas e vendo, mais uma vez, o grande potencial que essa ferramenta tem em Deus.

E encontramos o "seu José" não mais abraçado com sua Bíblia durante os cultos, mas sim com ela aberta, lendo e compartilhando com as outras pessoas.


Entendemos que tudo isso que Deus começou a fazer no Nordeste brasileiro não pode parar em nós, então queremos te apresentar o treinamento do Método do Espelho, baseado no sistema Uniskript. Ele é, junto com o Método do Espelhinho, o único método de alfabetização fônico totalmente multimodal do Brasil.

Nosso objetivo com esse treinamento é capacitar pais, educadores, professores e fonoaudiólogos para levar transformação, verdade e justiça através do acesso à leitura e da revelação da Palavra de Deus.




Primeiramente é trabalhada a

percepção e a discriminação aural do fonema


Em seguida é introduzido o articulema, que é a representação fotográfica dos movimentos articulatório


Um gesto de mãos que imita os movimentos dos órgãos articulatório


Tudo o que foi ensinado é codificado num símbolo visual único, o visema, que funciona como um ícone do fonema

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O Método do Espelho, juntamente com o Método do espelhinho, também conhecidos como método uniskript, são os únicos métodos fônicos totalmente multimodais, pois emprega os avanços científicos da neurolinguística e do simbolismo fonético para criar e fortalecer sinapses cerebrais de forma lúdica, afetiva e permanente.

Sabe aquele momento no qual o aluno tem um "estalo" e desvenda o código da língua escrita? Aquele momento que faz brilhar os olhos de pais e professores? Este "estalo" cognitivo só acontece uma vez na vida, não importa qual seja o alfabeto aprendido ou o método usado, ali o aluno se apropria do princípio fônico-alfabético e está pronto para aprender qualquer sistema ortográfico, com os alfabetos tradicionais, este click geralmente leva anos para acontecer; com uniskript, acontece muito mais rápido, em semanas ou meses.

The Discipleship Training School - DTS - is, at the same time, a community of disciples of Jesus who get together to know more about God, willing to know and obey his direction, and a training program offered by the University of the Nations .

Here we work on a methodology aimed at protagonism, which aims to awaken and promote this protagonism in the Christian, connecting his faith, identity and dreams in the transformation of society.

Imagine a course where you learn weekly about an Area of ​​Influence of the Society and co-create over the revelations that God gives.


Seeking to be intentional in the training of individuals positioned for this time in history and to provide students with a life-changing experience, the entire program is supported by our values ​​of: initiative, interdependence, responsibility and achievement.


The course works in a context of integral learning in the community. Our missionary base is on the island of Florianópolis in the Córrego Grande neighborhood, located in a region close to Horto Florestal, UFSC (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), in addition to being inserted in an urban context close to the center, shopping malls, shops, supermarkets, banks, among others.

Our classes and activities are aimed at encouraging students to develop their gifts, talents and skills and discover their vocation in God, focusing on learning, development and performance in the areas of society.


1. Classes with field experienced teachers

2. Devotional time, group worship and intercession

3. Studies, research, debates, workshops

4. Individual and small groups follow-up

5. Weekly processing and feedback

6. Development of vocation and skills

7. Teamwork and project development

8. Application in micro-scenarios and outreach travel



List of Lessons:

Devotional Time

Intercession and Worship as a way of life

Hearing the voice of God

Character and Nature of God

Young protagonism

Biblical Worldview

Fourth Wave of Missions

God's Kingdom

Society Spheres

The Bible (God's story)

Conflict of Generations


Human Identity & Sexuality and

God's purpose for man

Spiritual battle

Sin and the Cross of Christ

Brokenness and clean conscience

Forgiveness and Restitution

Fear of the Lord


Lordship of Christ

Fatherhood of God

Divine plumb and spiritual inheritance


Strategic Missions

Vocation and Calling

And much more...

Teachers: *

Elisângela Antunes - Coordinator of DTS Protagonist

Fabiano Antunes - Director of YWAM Floripa, lecturer and student of Social Sciences.

Ireu Barros - Director of the School of Biblical Studies in YWAM Curitiba.
Claúdia Gonçalves - Missionary and coordinator of the Casa da Esperança Itapeva / SP
Silvio Gonçalves - Psychologist and missionary of the Casa da Esperança Itapeva / SP
Daniel Alencar - Minister of Praise and Leader of the Ministry Abba Pai - Fhop.
Gilson Batista - President of the Silóe Project. Ig's missionary. Independent Presbyterian.

Ariadna de Oliveira - Project coordinator in Haiti, speaker, missionary and photographer.

Luíz Araújo - Coordinator of the Casa do Pai Ministry, lecturer and technologist in counseling.

Paulo Ricardo - Pastor and Intercession Coordinator.

* Variations may occur.

April 15 to September 02, 2023

12 theoretical weeks in Florianópolis

1 week of Mini-outreach *

07 weeks of national outreach time for Camp of Transformation and International for Kenya, Africa. 
1 week of debriefing after the outreach period.


* The Mini-outreach can also happen only on a weekend in a city close to Florianópolis and the student is responsible for the travel expenses.


Registration and payment methods:


To sign up, access the forms below and fill them up. The forms identified as "Participant" must be completed by the person who wishes to register. The others must be filled in by the identified persons (friend or trusted person, parents or guardians, leader or pastor, doctor or health professional, if you do any health monitoring). After filling up and sending all forms, contact the course coordinator, Elisângela Antunes (+55 48 996682147) so that the process is streamlined. Wait for our contact to send the acceptance letter for the school. Only after receiving the acceptance letter, will you be free to pay the registration fee.

Registration: R$ 650.00

2 Payment options:

I) 3 x R$ 1,700.00 - in installments in cash or bank deposit (in the 3 theoretical months)

II) R$ 4,950.00 - cash payment

An important note:

If you understand that the Holy Spirit is guiding you to take this time and do the DTS, do not be afraid of the values. Believe, trust and depend on your heavenly father. He will provide everything! So obey his direction!

Click below and have access to material that will help you raise finances for your DTS:

Outreach time: São Paulo, Paraná and Africa

The cost of travel, food and accommodation will be defined according to the location and is the responsibility of the student.

The outreach estimated value is, at least, R$ 2,000.00.
More information will be given during the school.

Note: It is necessary to have a passport valid for at least 1 year and get the yellow fever vaccine. If the outreach is international.


Whatsapp: +5548996682147 (Elisângela)


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Faça parte disso!

Se você é um educador ou deseja tornar-se um para levar justiça e verdade, clique no botão abaixo para ser treinado e capacitado através do Método do Espelho à alfabetizar adultos com o propósito da leitura da bíblia.


Whatsapp: (48) 98816-9387


© 2021 by YWAM Floripa.

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