Night BCC
Bible Core Course
The Evening School of Fundamentals in Biblical Studies (BCC) is an extension course at the Christian Ministries faculty at the University of the Nations.
The purpose of BCC is to lead the student to obtain a deep and personal knowledge of the Bible through the inductive method that covers observation, interpretation and personal application. Using a dynamic methodology, studying the historical, social and literary backgrounds, the student learns to immerse himself in the Bible by himself.
Night BCC - in YWAM Floripa will work on the books of the Bible with a focus on the 7 spheres of influence of society: Family - home / Religion - the church / Education –schools / Government -politics / Media - communications / Arts - entertainment and sports / Economy - business, commerce, science and technology.
Come study the Word and discover principles of transformation for your personal life and the Areas of Influence to which God has called you!
What is required to participate?
1 Fill in the form;
2. Pay the registration fee.
When and where?
We are a family owned and operated business.
August 2020
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm.
At the base of YWAM Floripa - Rua Arlindo Penna 70, Santa Monica.
School Schedule:
The school program depends on the performance of the class and may change
General presentation / The importance of the Word
Inductive Method Presentation
Inductive Method - Observation
Inductive Method - Observation Activities (Philemon)
Inductive Method - Interpretation and Application
Paul's Missionary Journeys
Panorama of the “Apostolic Letters”
Introduction to the Gospels
Gospel of Mark
Introduction to the Pentateuch
Old Testament Covenants
Introduction to Histories (Joshua, Judges, 1st and 2nd Samuel)
The Kings of Israel / Fall of Empires (1st and 2nd Kings)
Introduction to the Prophets
Hebrew Poetry (Psalms and Proverbs)
Return from captivity (Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah)
Post-Exile Prophets (Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi)
Inductive Bible Study in the 7 Areas of Influence of Society
We are a family owned and operated business.
Approaches: The Bible and human rights; Features of slavery in the Old Testament, Features of slavery in the Roman empire; The Bible and slavery.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Approaches: Action and social justice; The church and the needy; Christianity and persecution (In the early and modern church);
Approaches: Communication; Biblical concept of communication; The importance of communication; Communication and the media in the history of the Church; Communication in cross-cultural missions;
Approaches: Education and Society; The importance of Education; Education and family; Education and government; God as the great teacher / teacher; Reflect on how God sees the 7 areas of influence of society.
Approaches: Government; Models of Governments throughout the Bible and history; The Government's purpose; Government authority; Delegation of authority to the people; The legal sector; Theocentrism and monarchy in Israel; Division of the empire; subjection to other empires.
Approaches: Psalms: Arts and Entertainment; Scripture, art and the artist; The relevance of artistic expressions; Characteristics of Hebrew poetry; Biblical worship;
Proverbs: Reflect on the importance of philosophical thinking; discuss the concept of “Wisdom”.
Approaches: Church; The holiness of God and his people; Worship and sacrifices; The tabernacle and the temple; The role of the church; differences between Israel and the Church; The concept of the priesthood;
Books for reading:
- Old Testament Social Model, Landa Cope, YWAM Publisher
- The Book that transforms nations, Loren Cunningham, YWAM Publisher
We are a family owned and operated business.
- Registration: R $ 70.00
- 3 monthly fees: R $ 130.00 (R $ 390.00 total) *
The Student is responsible for providing his study material or his laptop if he prefers to use the school's software.
Fabiano: 48 99669-8208
Source View Bible

During the training we will use the Source View Bible App, as a tool to bring more understanding about the Spheres of Society.
The Source View application Bible is more than a digital version of the Bible, it is a totally new experience that takes you to a deeper look at the Scriptures that can be used to shape a Christian Worldview.
You can download it from the App Store or Google Play.