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YWAM Floripa search for christians committed with the Kingdom, that have a passion for know God and will to serve with your gifts, talents and abilities to the purpose of God here where we are.

Our Values:


  • Initiative: Don't be conformed with the presented reality, but acting to trasform it.

  • Responsability: Posture of giving answers and assuming your role.

  • Interdependence: We depend on God and each another.

  • Realization: Fulfill a purpose, a mission of life

  • Challenge: Prioritize pioneering by provoking new initiatives.

  • Personal: Respect and value the potential of each individual.

  • Autentic: What we do is result of what we are

  • Goal-oriented: Have direction and purpose that lead us to commum results.

Our Postures:


  • Intimacy with God

  • Passion for justice

  • Youth protagonism

  • Integral christian worldview

  • Transformation of society

  • Love for people and cultures

So if you already did your DTS and has a word for join us, being a fulltime staff, fill the form and reach us:


Phone:  +55 (48) 98816-9387 (WhatsApp)


Mathews 9:38

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