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Steps of Justice

A Youth With A Mission ministry with the objective of raising awareness, educating and promoting actions in favor of Justice.

“For I, the Lord, love justice and hate theft and all evil” Isaiah 61: 8

Justice is part of the character of God, He has always been at the side of those who suffer, redeeming, liberating and acting in favor of justice. Because of his character he will always be against everything that is wrong, unjust and evil. As his followers, we also need to have the same attitude and fight against everything that is wrong in our world, doing justice. This is our responsibility, this is our mission!

Steps of Justice began from the contact that YWAM missionaries had with some injustices as they traveled the world sharing the love of Jesus. “No matter where we were in the world, we saw injustices, such as slave labor, child prostitution, drinking contaminated water, lack of educational opportunities, lack of medical care, extreme poverty, corrupt government, etc. Some of us asked, "What can we do?" So we started praying asking the same question, "Lord, what can we do for such big problems?" From the cry of our hearts came the answer! It was simple: "Do justice!" But how? "One step at a time!"



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October of Justice Campaign

Every year during the month of October, we promote an awareness campaign, awakening to intercession and involvement with causes to manifest the justice of God.

There will be 30 days of prayer , intercession and action on behalf of the themes of justice proposed in the Guide. The role of the Guide, as well as the Campaign, is to Educate, Aware and Promote Justice.

Sign up and download the free Steps of Justice Prayer & Action Guide


Our steps:

Fighting Hunger

Work front: Supply of basic baskets

The world population of people in extreme poverty is an aggravating factor in the fight against hunger. Emerging and developing countries lead the death rate from causes linked to hunger and malnutrition. According to UN Brazil, 820 million
of people in the world do not have enough access to food in 2018. About 55% of Latin American cases are concentrated in South America.

For this reason, we have included initiatives to fight hunger on the Steps of Justice agenda by identifying the need for intervention not only by the government, but by the whole society and, especially, the whole church in this struggle.
Currently, we participate actively, in partnership with other institutions, in the collection and supply of basic food baskets in peripheral communities and partner social entities.

In an emergency and in response to facing the consequences caused by the Covid-19 virus pandemic, we are working in partnership with Transforma Brasil and Pátria Voluntária and have distributed hundreds of basic food baskets reaching almost a thousand families in the last few months.


"Share your food with the hungry,
offer shelter to those who have no home.
Give clothes to those in need,
do not hide from those who need help. "Isaiah 58: 7


Work Front: Support for the Garden of Hope Orphanage in Kenya

The number of orphans in the world today has been increasing and the reasons are varied, basically related to the economic, cultural, political and social issues of each region. According to Unicef (United Nations Children's Fund), Brazil detains about 3.7 million children in Brazil as orphans of father and mother.

Mainland Africa, on the other hand, has 43 million orphans for various reasons, such as the epidemics of Ebola, malaria and the HIV / AIDS virus. This is not a cause that requires only prayer, but action. We can, and must, as Church and society, propose solutions and take responsibility for these children and young people. Our challenge is to reveal faith and hope to them through our actions and works.

Today we support the orphanage and children's shelter Jardim de Esperança in Kenya coordinated by missionary Ana Paula Martins. Ana Paula has been on missions since 2003, has worked for many years here in YWAM Floripa and since 2010 has worked in Kenya, pioneering and leading the orphanage.

Currently, 28 children aged between three weeks and 12 years old live in the shelter. The children's routine usually follows the activities of children with home and family. They attend school regularly and receive extracurricular classes at the orphanage in their spare time.

“The religion that God, our Father, accepts as pure and immaculate is this: caring
orphans and widows in their difficulties and not letting themselves be corrupted by the world ”. James 1:27

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