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"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God." - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Jesus has lived the love message until the last consequences - laying your life in favor of the lost ones. He is our model.

You can see in the Old Testament the prophets often lived their mesages before share them as it was with Ezekiel (4:1-17)

The Counseling School is this place of prepare, equip, those who feel a call to help people who are broken and hurted.

But how can we prepare these mans and women of God from this generation? Helping them with their own wounds, so that they become part of the solution, ceasing to be part of the problem. To understand this wonderful God's plan which is to heal our own traumas and emotions, to become bearers of hope, for those who suffer, this is the message of the course.

As an entry-level undergraduate course in the College of Counseling and Health, it lays the foundation stones for a Biblical counseling ministry, especially within YWAM and the missionary community. These foundation stones include:

-The commitment of reaching the lost;
-Acknowledgment  that ministry involves the individual, family and community;
-The divine plumb line counseling model and revelation as the key to change.

FCM purposes:

- Biblical basis for counseling;
- Provide tools for the student to engage in ministries in the area;
- Personal restoration and understanding of God's own process in our inner world;
- Understanding of relational and family processes.



Some content covered:

  • Forgiveness and Grace;​

  • Fear, Anger and Depression;

  • Spiritual Identity;

  • Paternity;

  • Family Systems.

February 26 until May 19 2024

12 theoretical weeks in Florianópolis

12 weeks of practical time


Brazilians: BRL 700,00
Foreigners: US$ 140,00


I)  3 x R$ 2,150.00 - in installments in cash or bank deposit (in the theoretical 3 months)

Category A countries:
I)  3 x US$ 620.00 - i
n installments in cash or bank deposit (in the theoretical 3 months)

Category B and C countries:
I)  3 x US$ 420.00 - i
n installments in cash or bank deposit (in the theoretical 3 months)

  • First installment: Payment before the student arrives in Florianópolis

  • Second installment: Payment at the end of the fourth week.

  • Third installment: Payment at the end of the eighth week.

These values include all expenses with accommodation, food and school supplies for the three months of the Theoretical Phase. Personal expenses are the responsibility of the student.
Note: In case of student withdrawal or termination, no amount will be refunded.

Phone:  +55 (48) 98816-9387

Teatro de Abertura
Formatura  ETED 2017
Formatura Eted 2017
Tempo de comunhão
Formatura 2017
Base salão
Dinâmica sobre vocação
Base frente
Casa de Hospedagem Eted
Líder da ETED
Nossa localização
Visita a olaria
Tarde de criatividade
Equipe México
Eted 2016

© 2021 by YWAM Floripa.

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